

The end of our Working with People project

When we were fortunate enough to receive an ESF Community Grant to run a ‘Working with People’ project, we aimed to help unemployed people improve skills in working and communicating with others. We have not failed to be impressed by the two cohorts of learners who joined myself and Chris


We’re recruiting!

Energy Outreach Worker - Young People £21,519 (pro rata), 22.5 hours per week 12-month fixed contract This new position will involve engaging with young people, aged 16-25 years old, to educate them around energy use and ways to reduce their costs, whilst also looking to inspire them to get involved in


Green Homes Grant Scheme – OPEN

The Government's Green Homes Grant scheme has opened for applications today. This provides vouchers towards the cost of energy efficiency improvements to your house. Work must be completed and vouchers redeemed by 31st March 2021. What measures are eligible? Measures are split into two groups: 1) Primary measures Insulation solid

Support during lockdown


Big energy saving week!

We're taking part in Big Energy Saving Week, a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to. We all have the power to save energy, money and the environment through everyday actions. Simple changes such as switching energy supplier or


FREE Employability Training Initiative

Are you interested in a role giving advice or support to others? We are very excited to have been named as a delivery partner for ESF Community Grants in 2020. ESF Community Grants are funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency and the aim


The Big Energy Saving Gameshow!

Energy...... it isn't the most exciting topic in the world yet it is vitally important to every household in the country. We all have to pay energy bills and we all rely on heating to keep ourselves warm and well.  We often get asked to give talks to local community