Grants and other support

1) Warm Home Discount

This gives qualifying households £150 towards your energy costs. The scheme changed in 2022/23 and payments should now be made automatically. There are two eligible groups:

a) Those who receive Pension Credit Guarantee

b) Those who receive a means-tested benefit and who have high energy costs (based on type, size and age of property). You can check your eligibility here. Please note that you need to get in touch with the government helpline by 28th February 2025 if you have not received a Warm Home Discount letter and think you qualify.


2) Winter Fuel Payment

This was previously paid to all pensioners, irrespective of income. From winter 2024/25, only those who receive Pension Credit (or another means-tested benefit) will receive it. See here for more information.


3) Household Support Fund

This is the only cost-of-living support that remains from the package of support offered by the government in 2023/24. Money is given to local Councils to allocate locally. Round 6 runs from Oct 24 to 31st March 25 – check with your own local Council to see how they are distributing the funds.


4) Priority Services Register

The energy companies all hold a Priority Services Register which offers extra help and support to households if there was a power cut or if the gas supply was interrupted. It is also important that any energy company knows about any vulnerability in the home. For example, a prepayment meter can’t be forcibly installed if there are children under 5 in the home, or someone with mains powered medical equipment. To sign up you can call your energy supplier or sign up here using our partner code 006. It is not based on household income, just whether you meet any of the following criteria:

5) Help with water bills

Yorkshire Water are putting water costs up by 29% from 1st April 2025. They do however offer a number of schemes that can help low income households with bills:

Community Trust and Resolve schemes. These will help customers who are in arrears with their water bills.

Water Sure: This can help cap the water bills for low income households who have a water meter but where a) a household member has a medical condition which means they use more water than average or b) have three or more children under 19.

Water Support: If you are a low income household and your annual water bill is more than £364 then this scheme can also help to reduce your water costs. 

For more information on Yorkshire Water’s schemes click here.

Water meters

If you have more bedrooms than people living in your home it is worth considering having a water meter fitted where you will only pay for the water you use. It is free and you can go back to your previous charges within 2 years if you find you are paying more. Check this water meter calculator to get an estimate of your costs on a water meter.


6) Financial support based on what you do (or have done) for work or on health conditions

There is a huge range of occupational benevolent funds that support anyone who has worked in a particular job. For example, there are ones for those who work in retail, construction, hospitality, transport, pubs/breweries, entertainment, armed forces, teaching and many more. Some may help with priority bills such as energy, others with other individual needs. There is an excellent grants finder on the Turn2Us website.


7) Cheaper broadband for low income households

If you receive Universal Credit or another means-tested benefit, you may qualify for a social tariff for your broadband. This could be £15 per month instead of £30. See information on the Ofcom website.


8) Benefits checks

£23 billion of benefits go unclaimed every year, including Council Tax reduction, Child Tax Credits and Pension Credit. You can do your own benefits check here or speak to the Citizens Advice.


9) Are you staying safe from carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is known as the Silent Killer, you can’t see it, smell or or taste it. It is produced when fuel doesn’t burn properly, this could be if an appliance is faulty or has been badly maintained or if there isn’t sufficient ventilation.

To stay safe you need a carbon monoxide alarm. From 1st October 2022, it has been a legal requirement for landlords to provide carbon monoxide alarms. Also, be aware that:

a) Carbon monoxide is not just produced from gas appliances. Solid fuel (wood and coal), LPG, oil, BBQs, generators can all potentially produce carbon monoxide.

b) The symptoms of low level CO poisoning are very similar to things we feel all the time, e.g. headaches, feeling sick or tired.