Project Details

The RISE project supports those who are not currently working with moving closer towards work or training in the future.


UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity fund

Geographical area

York, North Yorkshire

Start date

May 2023

End date

March 2024

Project Summary

The RISE project is the successor to the successful Action Towards Inclusion programme that ran from 2017 to 2023. Through RISE, individuals receive tailored 1-2-1 advice, mentoring and employability support, and have access to specific interventions designed to help break down barriers. This combination of support is designed to improve people’s health, confidence, skills, circumstances and ultimately their employability, moving them closer towards a position where they are thriving in their life and in work. Participants will be allocated a Key Worker who will work with the participant to understand their background, needs and aims. One-to-one tailored support will be provided on an ongoing basis, which could include training, wellbeing and counselling services.

As well as a Key Worker, participants have access to Intervention Partners who can help with more specific issues. Yorkshire Energy Doctor is an Intervention Partner on RISE and receives referrals for participants who need advice around their energy costs. This could be support around dealing with energy debts, problems with an energy supplier, payment arrangements, water debts, heating issues and ways to cut costs.

How to access this project?

Key Worker organisations on RISE can make a referral for one of their participants by calling Kate on 07738818391. If you are a participant on RISE and would like our advice then please speak to your Key Worker and request a referral.